Level: RARPA | Duration: 1-3 Years | Start Date: September
What is this course about?
This programme of study is focused on preparing you for adulthood offering you the opportunity to develop a range of skills that will allow you to live as independently as possible and achieve your aspirations. You will be provided with a practical, engaging and enjoyable programme of learning.
Why choose this course?
This programme provides you with a broad range of practical activities which will help you live as independently as possible at home, in the wider community and for some students in employment. You will have the opportunity to follow a flexible course to suit your needs and where appropriate, some students may be able to achieve nationally recognised qualifications. All students will develop at different rates and targets will be set according to the stage the individual student is at and will build on previous skills acquired.
During this course you will:
- Have an opportunity to apply learning in a practical, creative and imaginative way
- Gain confidence by developing independent learning skills
- Increase your independence and social interaction skills
- Prepare for your life as an adult
What will I learn on this course?
The areas you will study include Independent Living Skills, Personal and Social Development, Numeracy for Everyday Living, Literacy for Everyday Living, IT for Everyday Living and throughout the programme there will be opportunities to develop work experience skills and enhance your physical and mental wellbeing. A tutorial programme is also embedded within your timetable to support you in your studies and pastorally.
Entry requirements
No formal qualifications are required. A transition programme will be put in place so that you are able to experience the college environment and we can assess your suitability for our programme.
What will this course lead on to?
Some students will continue to the next year of our Pathway to Independence programme, others will be ready to progress to either the Pathway to Further Education or Pathway to Employment.
How will I be assessed?
Your teachers and support staff will continually observe and review your progress, as soon as targets are achieved, new ones will be set so that you continue to develop and build on previous learning.
Enrichment opportunities
Community inclusion is an essential part of preparing for adulthood. Throughout your programme you will have the opportunity to visit a wide range of community venues such as retail and leisure, sports and public facilities and you will also have opportunities to engage with different sectors of your local community. There will also be a variety of trips and visits and regular guest speakers.
Are there any costs associated with the course?
Students are expected to be organised and arrive at class with basic file, paper and stationery. Trips and visits may incur additional costs depending on destination; however, affordability is a key factor in decision making.
All lessons take place in fully equipped classrooms with access to PCs and smart devices. Students can access course materials electronically from home.
What Foundation Studies students at Riverside College say…
“I love coming to college, the staff are really friendly, I have learnt lots of new skills and made lots of new friends.”
Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quiz 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes