Updated Public Health Guidance relating to COVID-19
Dear All,
Thank you for your continued efforts to fight COVID-19. Please familiarise yourself with this letter and guidance from Public Health England. One of the biggest changes includes those in contact with someone who has a confirmed COVID-19 should get a PCR test as soon as possible.
We are asking ALL students, even those who have left college or completed courses to continue rapid lateral flow testing which is still important for picking up cases of COVID-19 so we ask that you all continue to test at least twice weekly and all through summer (kits are FREE and can be collected from college, ordered online https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests and sent to your home address or picked up from any pharmacy). Don’t forget to let us let us know of the result from your lateral flow test via the link on front page of the student intranet or by clicking here: Student Report Test and also report your result to the NHS https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result.
As this variant continues to increase in numbers across the region, we would like to remind you that our local Public Health team advise that we ask staff and students to continue wearing masks in corridors and communal areas. If staff or students wish to continue wearing face coverings in class, they are welcome to do so. We will update if the situation changes.
Thank you for your support.