6th Jan 2021: National Lockdown Information for Students and Parents
Update 6th January 2021
National Lockdown Information for Students and Parents
Dear Student/Parent/Carer,
You will no doubt be aware that as part of the new National Lockdown all colleges in England have been directed to continue with remote learning until at least February half term.
This decision does not suggest that the college is no longer a safe place for our learners. Instead, limiting attendance is about reducing the number of contacts that all of us have with people in other households.
Vulnerable Students
The College will remain open for vulnerable students, who have all been contacted directly.
Remote Learning (16-18, Adult & HE Students – full and part time)
To support all our students and minimise disruption, lessons will be taught remotely for all learners. We are committed to providing high quality learning, support and assessments.
Teachers will be aiming to work as closely as possible within existing timetables. Students will be provided with additional information from their teachers as to the format via MS Teams.
If you are unsure on how to access MS Teams, please click here for our guide:
Your college day will continue as normal and take place remotely. More information will come out from your teachers via MS Teams.
BTEC and other external exams taking place Jan 21
Due to rising concerns, the College has taken the decision, like many others, to cancel all BTEC and the majority of other exams planned over the next three weeks in order to protect the safety of students and staff.
A small number of exams will still go ahead where attendance numbers are small. Your teachers will be in touch with you on MS Teams with specific information about your exam.
We realise that this may be disappointing for students who have been preparing, however your safety is as always, our priority. Please be reassured that no students will be penalised through the cancellation of these exams and your tutors will inform you about any alternative assessment arrangements in due course.
GCSE, A Level and other external exams taking place summer 21
The Prime Minister has announced that GCSE and A level exams will not take place this summer. As soon as we have any further clarity on this and our other summer exams and assessment arrangements, we will inform students and parents as appropriate.
College Bursary and FREE College Meals
Bursary and free college meals payments will continue as normal during this time. Bursary payments will continue to be linked to engagement in learning.
Support for Students
- If you are struggling with a device to access home learning please contact your tutor and we will endeavour to support you.
- If you need any support for your mental health and wellbeing, please contact your Personal Tutor or the Health and Wellbeing team via MS Teams or by phoning the College.
- College buses will cease to run until on site learning recommences.
- If you test positive for Covid please continue to inform the College via the absence line.
- As always if you are displaying Covid symptoms, please do not attend College under any circumstances.
Thank you for your continued support.
With very best wishes
Thalia Bell
Deputy Head of Riverside College